Aetrex new sponsor of the Health Area of the FCBQ.

Collaboration agreement with AETREX

This innovative center specializing in the field of analysis of trepitjada del peu i arc plantar has become a new sponsor of the Àrea de Salut de l'FCBQ.

02-02-2023 10:00

In the line started some time ago to establish collaboration agreements with different companies and entities that can contribute a benefit to the federates and federations of Catalan Basketball, AETREX and Catalan Basketball Federation (FCBQ) han signat, aquest dimecres 1 de febrer, un acord de col·laboració. Fruit d'aquest conveni, this innovative center specializing in the field of analysis of trepitjada del peu i arc plantar becomes the new official sponsor of BQ Salut , l'Área de Salut de l'FCBQ.

The headquarters of the Catalan Basketball Federation has established the scene of the signature of this agreement in a document that has seen the presence of Benjamin May , director of AETREX Spain, and Ferran Aril , President of the FCBQ. Thanks to this collaboration agreement, which is valid for any extendable period, AETREX will offer the col·lectius and federated sportsmen of the FCBQ a Discount of 15% on the templates recommended with the analysis of the peus . This service includes a test at any cost and is carried out by the different Catalan clubs to players and players from the Mini category of 2n any. In New Jersey, AETREX is a world leader in the technology market for scanning the skin and insoles for comfort and well-being; I also count with centers in Catalonia.

BQ Salut is one of the integrated areas of the Catalan Basketball Federation ( FCBQ ) and its objective is to reduce the accident rate in Catalan Basketball while training and preventing federated injuries. This area comprises the external collaboration of the metge specialist in sports medicine, Dr. Sílvia Treviño , and from this she also supports the organization of xerrades and days.