Catalan Basketball Federation BQSalut

Catalan Basketball Federation BQSalut - Aetrex

For Aetrex it is proud to announce the collaboration with the Catalan Basketball Federation -FCBQ-, with the sponsorship of the BQ Salut section , the objective of which will be to prevent and reduce injuries to basketball players, and to dunks time to improve the sports performance and give more comfort in the practice of basketball. We are delighted to be able to be a part of BQ Salut and FCBQ dins del su centennial.

The ALBERT 2 Pro scanner is a completely integrated foot scanning system designed to help FCBQ players find squads that correctly fit their unique foot profile. Using a simple, fast and simple scanning process, to capture with pressure distribution, with 3D measurements of the peu in less than 20 seconds. Mitjançant these precise and complete data of the peu; We can advise on playing who is the personalized template that best fits your unique profile; In this way we can help to prevent the risk of injury and we can help to improve your sports performance, therefore we can improve your health both during the practice of sports and in your day to day.

Aetrex insoles are designed to support the longitudinal arc and provide the necessary alignment to reduce excessive pronation. A key objective of Aetrex is to keep the peu most prop of the neutral position, thanks to l'Arc Distintiu de Aetrex. Proper alignment can help minimize excessive pronation and can help reduce stress on the turmells, genolls, maluc and esquena, can help prevent future player injuries.

The Aetrex insoles are made of first quality materials, thanks to the "cobra" technology, they can help alleviate pain to the foot with plantar fasciitis, pain in the heel and / or arch and metatarsalgia; that they are caused by repetitive stress in absorbing the impact of the trepitjada, providing cushioning and transferring the pressure on the moon and of the areas of impact; In this way we can help to improve the performance of the player.
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We will be in contact to be able to specify a date in which we will move to the six facilities to carry out a free study of the trepitjada to the members of the club, they can try our templates which they can acquire if they choose between 15 % discount per pertànyer to the FCBQ.

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