L120W Moda Mujer Posted - Plantilla para zapatos de vestir

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Las plantillas Lynco Women's Fashion ayudan a proporcionar la comodidad y el apoyo que tanto necesita su calzado de moda favorito. Estas innovadoras plantillas son flexibles, ultraligeras y están diseñadas para proporcionar sujeción y aliviar la presión. La forma única de Cobra y el soporte Lynco incorporado equilibran cómodamente sus pies y ayudan a proporcionar una alineación corporal adecuada. Fabricadas con pieles de plena flor suaves y transpirables y uretanos termoplásticos de última generación.

L120 - Nuestros arcos bajos para pies planos sin dolor en el antepié, con un talón desplazado para controlar la sobrepronación y proporcionar equilibrio.


- Material de la cubierta superior: Piel de Poliuretano
- Base de rendimiento: Uretano termoplástico para retención de la forma
- Grosor de la plantilla: .0125
- Recomendado para: Profesionales
I- deal para: Zapatos de vestir y zapatos sin plantilla extraíble
- Modo de empleo: Empiece quitando la plantilla de sus zapatos, si es posible. Sustituya la plantilla por su Aetrex Fashion. Cuando coloque su nueva forma Cobra en sus zapatos, asegúrese de que el arco está colocado en el interior del zapato.

Templates that change your life

Pain relief

Arch support helps relieve common arch and heel pain


Arch support helps stabilize natural alignment


Memory foam provides greater comfort and cushioning

Pain relief

Aetrex Signature Arch Support

pressure relief

superior cushioning

biochemical efficiency


Doctor Approved and Recommended

"I recommend Aetrex products to my patients because they help provide the right balance and support to relieve and prevent foot conditions like plantar fasciitis. Unlike other brands, the contour, position, and height of the arch support Aetrex product is anatomically aligned in the right place to help support our body from the ground up." -Janine Taddeo, DPM



I had purchased your insoles at my orthopedic doctor's office. They were fabulous, but they were getting old. I was excited to find your website and loved being able to buy them online. I love the sandals that I bought with the insoles built into the shoe. I will definitely buy more!!

Maria Carmen
Foot conditions: Metatarsalgia, heel pain

"It saved my feet. I was at a point where my feet hurt so much that I was really limited. I found Aetrex insoles and completely stopped having foot pain by wearing them all the time. They are a miracle for my feet and my feet! my quality of life! I highly recommend them."

Amy M.
Foot Conditions: Arch Pain/Plantar Fasciitis, Calluses, Bunion

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